Toddler Gift Guide

Toddler Gift Guide: What to buy a 2 year old

17th October 2020 2 Comments

*Products marked with a * have been gifted by the company. This post contains affiliate links

Elara has just turned a massive 2 years old and we were really stuck on what to buy her for her birthday so I thought I would put together a little Toddler Gift Guide in the hopes to give some of you an idea of what to purchase for the little ones in your life. This Toddler Gift Guide will show wooden toys, educational toys and gifts that aren’t toys.

wooden toys

We as a family are trying to make huge changes when it comes to being sustainable. We want to be as sustainable as possible without sacrificing home comforts and education for Elara; so wooden toys are definitely a way forward for us. We have found 2 incredible brands that make gorgeous wooden toys, Melissa and Doug and Jaques London.


This gorgeous wooden calendar clock* from Jaques London is so cute and Elara loves helping mummy change it each day. Educational, sustainable and cute to look it. Elara has a weird obsession with clocks; she is still a way of being able to tell the time but this calendar clock has really helped her knowledge around the weather and numbers. She loves to tell me the weather outside at all times of day and has become really good at it. At only just 2 years old her understanding of the weather changing has really shocked me and I’m sure its down to this calendar clock and Elaras love of the outdoors. You can find more beautiful wooden toys from Jacques here.


Elara loves ice cream so this Melissa and Doug Ice Cream Counter* was top of our list. She loves to make me and Mike ice cream all day everyday and its really helped with her colours as we ask her for a certain colour ice cream. I love toys like this that are educational while still being fun and great for their little imaginations.


Melissa and Doug also make this gorgeous Take Along Train Set* that Elara loves to carry around with her all the time. She has recently started enjoying watching Thomas the Tank Engine and calls trains choo choos which just melts me. This little set is super handy and all the bits pop inside and it folds into a little carry case. Wooden train sets are always adorable but are hard to store so this little set is perfect if you don’t have a tonne of toy storage.

Toddler gift ideas that aren’t toys

Toddlers are always spoilt with toys so sometimes when buying for friends little ones we like to go with some gifts that aren’t toys. Days out and clothes are always incredible presents but here are some easy to pick up gifts that aren’t toys.


I am a huge book nerd and I have very excitedly passed on my love of books to Elara. She loves all kinds of books and has a huge collection now so I try not to go too crazy on the book buying. I purchased 3 books for Elaras birthday; Dinky Donkey and 2 Little People Big Dreams books, the David Attenborough one and the Amelia Earhart one.



Elara loves crafts, any kind of crafts. For her birthday she received handmade play dough, lots of colouring books and a magnetic colouring board. Elara absolutely loves Peppa Pig so I picked up this Crayola Mess Free Peppa Pig set; the markers magically only colour onto the paper that comes in the set and nothing else meaning that my walls stay Elara art free. The little magnetic board that I picked up was from Aldi and cost just £5 and is easily one of the best things I have ever bought Elara. Its reusable, mess free and portable. Highly recommend picking one of these up, I found a Frozen one on amazon for £6.

We also picked up a Toddler Balance Bike for Elaras Birthday, she is a really short and small 2 year old bless her so the seat is on the lowest setting but still a little too big for her currently. She absolutely loves it though. We picked the balance bike and a little toddler helmet from facebook marketplace for a fiver, absolute bargain.

I hope this post has given you some Toddler Gift Guide ideas. Little ones can be hard to buy for as you don’t want them having too many toys but also want to keep them entertained. One of our favourite things to do is to pick up a handful of toys ourselves and then ask family/friends that if they want to purchase something for Elara that it can be some form of activity. Maybe something as simple as a dance class or extravagant as a day out; that way you can go on more days out with your little one and keep the toy cupboard manageable. If you and your little one also love reading then you will love my Toddler Books we love to Read post. Hope your little ones have the most magical birthdays.

Katie x


  • Katrina 25th October 2020 at 4:56 pm

    I love wooden toys, they are just so much nicer than plastic ones and like you said, way more sustainable! x

  • Jodie 20th November 2020 at 12:33 pm

    I absolutely love the look of the travel train set! Your photography is beautiful as always, too.

    Jodie @ Jodetopia xx

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    A Beauty, Lifestyle, Parenting & Travel Blogger and Content Creator from South Wales. Mama to Elara, 3 and Emmie who passed away at a week old


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